I'm currently watching 'The house of the devil' Josaline Donahue is pretty. This film is set in the 70s. Nice opening credits. A ghost haunting demonic slasher story. 5055002555084!
It has an eerie setting. Influences from 'The Exorcist' and 'The Entity'. 'The Last Exorcism 2' is out on dvd now. Ti West is the Director, he also created 'The Innkeepers' starring Sara Paxton. I seen a good blog about feminism and sexual objectification at http://hookingupsmart.com Also get the latest news from http://bbc.co.uk/news
Next up I'm watching 'The Strangers' 5050582729603 dvd contains two other films 'The Unborn' and 'Quarantine'. A thriller where masked strangers invade a couple's home. Stars Liv Tyler. All films Cert 18. Inspired by true events. I'll see 'Burn After Reading' and 'Dinner For Schmucks' check out 'This Is 40'. I'll just direct you to the customer reviews at http://amazon.com dvd is skipping.

I'm watching The Collection, a sequel to The Collector which is from the makers of the Saw films. Cert 18, stars Josh Stewart, Emma Fitzpatrick, Christopher McDonald. Plenty of special features. Find it on Amazon/Ebay. I've rented and bought more dvds. Plenty on offer at CEX. The Returned: Lucy Clarsen contacts the dead via sex. The original 'They Came Back' is out on dvd soon. Lena has nice boobs. The French actress aren't shy when it comes to nudity. Lucy is pretty. There's a comp to design a book cover for the Everyday Sexism Project. Visit pages.simonandschuster.co.uk/everydaysexism/ Grave Encouters which is a horror spoof of tv show Ghost Adventures. The actor playing Lance Preston does great doing his impression of Zac Bagans.
Sarah Lieving is hot, aka Hutchinson in Mega Shark Vs Crocosaurus. There's that busty chick at E2save, never got her name. Looks somewhat moody. I'm now watching Dinner For Schmucks starring Paul Rudd and Steve Carell. Carell is good as Barry. I recommend This Is 40. The dvd is skipping. That's the problem with rentals. Crazy, Stupid, Love stars Carell, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. Looks interesting from the trailer. Stephanie Szostak is hot. The film is good. Sondre Lerche-Dear Laughing Doubters, a good song. Robotroplis, set in the future where it's man vs machine. For fans of films like Terminator, Robocop, Matrix, Casshern, Alien Infiltration, Transformers, Pacific Rim. Zoe Naylor a pretty actress plays a tv reporter. The way it's shot reminds me of District 9. Abit like I-Robot. It's good seeing Zoe in a white vest top. Maybe wearing a bra. Film is slow paced.
It has an eerie setting. Influences from 'The Exorcist' and 'The Entity'. 'The Last Exorcism 2' is out on dvd now. Ti West is the Director, he also created 'The Innkeepers' starring Sara Paxton. I seen a good blog about feminism and sexual objectification at http://hookingupsmart.com Also get the latest news from http://bbc.co.uk/news
Next up I'm watching 'The Strangers' 5050582729603 dvd contains two other films 'The Unborn' and 'Quarantine'. A thriller where masked strangers invade a couple's home. Stars Liv Tyler. All films Cert 18. Inspired by true events. I'll see 'Burn After Reading' and 'Dinner For Schmucks' check out 'This Is 40'. I'll just direct you to the customer reviews at http://amazon.com dvd is skipping.

JEFF DUNHAM: MINDING THE MONSTERS a region free dvd. A stand up ventriloquist show. Halloween themed. 5414939295416 filmed in Savannah. In front of a live audience. Pias Comedy/Comedy Station. There are several special features. Subtitled, I'd only heard of him in regards to Achmed The Dead Terrorist. You should see David Strassman, Nina Conti. Some material about his family. True stories. There were two other dvds in the CEX store. I'm selling this dvd on Amazon. I'm watching his lips move. One dummy Walter is based on Frankenstein's monster. Some jokes aren't pc. Will have offended various people. Alot of whooping and cheering from the americans. Walter is sharp and grumpy. A mistake is made by Jeff. But he's able to rescue that by adding more gags. I assumed Jeff to be racist. There is one racist penis joke. You should google the articles about him. Read the Amazon customer reviews. The puppets have had a makeover for this episode. Bubba J is a vampire. A redneck. Not very bright. Some jokes are funny but not over the top hilarious. Some b movie footage inbetween scenes. A Batman spoof. Some satire, noticed a good joke. I won't spoil it though. Peanut is purple.
Looks like a fraggle. He's dressed as Batman. The audience are probably white republicans. These are Jeff's jokes. He does a variety of voices. Pokes fun at the mexicans. Peanut does beatboxing. You have Jose the mexican dummy. Jeff makes himself laugh. He is feeding off the audience. Peanut reminds me of Jonah Hill. There's Little Jeff doll, dressed as the Riddler. The intro to Achmed is a parody of Halloween. He's dressed as a blonde bombshell. Playing on stereotypes. There's white privilege. It makes him ok to say such things. Certain groups are mocked as it is. Feminists won't like this. Interesting soundtrack. He makes his own puppets. I finally got to see a 3D Printer at work. See what you make of it.
See the trailers for BLOOD CAR, MONSTRO, THE BOOK OF ZOMBIE, COWBOYS AND ZOMBIES, ALIEN UNDEAD, DEVIL'S CROSSING, STAG NIGHT OF THE DEAD, All are indie horror flicks. Lots of pretty women. Some nudity, just saw some big boobs in the Cowboys trailer. Hoping the acting is better. zombies, ghosts and other scary stuff
indie film. Cert 18, horror, region free. 5037899040614 Left Films Ltd 2012. Written, produced, edited and directed by Thomas Newman. Stars Simone Bailly, Jy Harris, Mark Wynn, Barry Nerling, Vince Laxton, Sher Staite. Mike Fields, Andreas Santana, Jodi Thomas did additional work behind the scenes. You have comets approaching in the first scene. The effects aren't so special. An old man named Victor is gardening. His wife is Martha. Suppose this is how the zombie apocalypse starts. Edwin and Tommy are stoners always looking for their next high. They meet up with tough chick Leah. They have run ins with allsorts of characters. Extras: behind the scenes, traileys and the director talks about vfx. Contains gore, violence, drug use. The opening credits introduce who the actors are playing. If you look through my blog you'll see other zombie film suggestions. Not sure of the type of cameras these indie directors use. As you can tell the difference between that and mainstream Hollywood. Edwin has taken the brains of zombies, dehydrated them, ground them up and added water. There he has made a solution called Green Goo for pouring on the cannabis plants to produce super weed. There is the director's blog that you should see. It's abit hit n miss judging by the Amazon reviews.
GHOSTQUAKE Syfy presentation. Cert 15, 5060262851098 2011 Signature Entertainment Ltd. A horror set at a high school. Stars Danny Trejo as the school janitor. M.C Gainey as a ghost. Also has Laura Whitney Pennington, Jonathon Baron, Marc Donato, Shawn C Phillips and Charisma Carpenter. A used dvd in great condition. I'm selling it cheap. One of the main group of characters is Quinn. It's his birthday the next day. Whitney Douglas is this black girl possibly a crush. The History teacher Al has taken him to the basement to give him a lecture. His family has links to the occult. His grandfather thought the gold coins held the power to enter the spirit world. Arthur Danforth (Quentin's grandad) makes an appearance. Opening credit is a montage of old footage filmed in high schools with a rock'n'roll song playing. Coach Janine is helping out to organise prom. Headteacher Lou has volunteered to help. This blonde Amber is a friend of Whitney. A huge fat guy bumps into her. Directed by
Jeffrey Scott Lando. Worth looking at The Outer Limits, Twilight Zone. There's the school bully Dean who is dating the blonde girl, some cool guy with a cigarette. Music students that are talented. Good signing from Kimberly. There was a minor earthquake that has released a ghost. Carpenter is a librarian. Last high school spooky story she was in was Buffy. Interesting makeup and effects. There are some lads planning a break in. Take a look at the brit flick F and zombie film Dance Of The Dead. There is a lockdown. All the people in the school are trapped. Arthur is a snazzy dresser with nice hair. I'd maybe take a look at the customer reviews. There's Marisol the ghost lady that's hot. Possibly knew the janitor. Imdb for full cast. The frog scene was amusing. Some inventive and gruesome deaths. But it's not shown in graphic detail like you would with Final Destination. Blake the fat guy is having to hack into the school computers, not sure why. No special features. Some puns along the way. Grandpa is jolly. Chyna is one of the music students and a lesbian. The bad ghost has nice tits. The victim's souls are consumed. It makes the evil stronger.
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