Batman Gotham By Gaslight An animated movie from DC and Warner Bros. Reimagining of the Batman comics. Set in the 19th Century. Jack The Ripper is on the loose. Regular characters such as Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Alfred, Harvey Dent, Commissioner Gordon and wife Barbara are featured. Interesting. The comics do have these alternate world stories. You might like Superman Speeding Bullets. Some special features. Justice League Dark is to be released. Cert 15.
Kong Skull Island starring Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L Jackson, Brie Larson, John Goodman, Toby Keble, John C Reilly. Set in the 70s. Amusing first line "Washington will never be this screwed up" An island has been discovered. With the backing of the senator an expedition is being organised. A guide is hired. There is a military escort. A photographer is to join them. A businessman and his assistant are the ones behind the idea. A few actors are in the Marvel Universe. Fascinating creatures. Film and TV inspired artwork
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