This is Day Watch. An old Russian film. Supernatural fantasy. Set in Russia. It is subtitled. The forces of light and darkness are at war and have been doing so for a long time. It opened with a story about an ancient warrior wanting get this piece of chalk. It wields so much power. Inside a temple within a maze. In present day, you have Anton with his hot trainee Sveta. Good effects. This film was popular back then. These agents have glasses which enable them to enter another realm. The torch is used as a weapon. There are the Dark Ones, harming the innocent and bringing about the apocalypse. Good actors. If you like The Mortal Instruments, Blade, Supernatural, Constantine, Legion, The Mummy, Buffy, Harry Potter, The Matrix, then this is for you. Not all the citizens are human. A young lad named Yeger has been up to no good. His mentor is a villain of sorts. At the time I will have listed the DVD on EBay. I am trying understand what is going on. Crazy car stunt scene. Alicia is hot. A femme fatale. I hadn't realised that this is a sequel. There has been a truce between the Light and Dark population. Someone wants to upset the balance. Konstantin who plays Anton was in Black Sea, World War Z. I recognized him. One actress is dead. A lot going on. Original film making.