I went onto watch Attack Of The Clones and Revenge Of The Sith. Familiar characters are introduced. The story goes further into the future. Hayden Christiansen, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman are joined by a stellar cast. A clone army had been developed and are being used by the Republic. Senator Palpatine has gained a lot of power and has am influence on Anakin. These films set up the original trilogy.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker
I watched this at Cineworld. Sat in seat H7. Served by a pretty blonde at the counter. Large sweet popcorn and ice blast mixed with all flavours. This is the last film in the saga. A year later... Rey is busy training. A signal left by the Emperor Palpatine leads Kylo to a distant planet. The Rebels are still fighting the First Order. Great soundtrack, special effects and acting. Expect cameos and surprises. There in one scene is a nod to the original trilogy. Tying up loose ends. Ignore the critics. Daisy Ridley is gorgeous as ever. Really shines in her role as Rey. One scene of dialogue might be compared to Endgame. Sometimes it can get cheesy with certain characters. Epic battle scene. I haven't seen The Mandalorian. Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver and many more. A JJ Abrams film.
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I have watched The Phantom Menace online. I have seen all the Star Wars films. Just wanted to revisit the others after seeing Ep9. Prequels. Focusing on Anakin Skywalker and how he became Darth Vader. Naboo is the main planet in the story. The Trade Federation is holding the people hostage. You have the Senate which is trying to root out the bad apples. There is the Jedi Council. Obi Wan and his master have been sent to negotiate. Senator Palpatine wants to gain power. Anakin wants a better life and is to train to become a Jedi. You have the legendary Darth Maul with his dual light sabre. Released in 1999. The effects are OK. Might need remastering for 2020. Jar Jar Binks is annoying. Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel L Jackson and others. Good soundtrack.
I watched this at Cineworld. Sat in seat H7. Served by a pretty blonde at the counter. Large sweet popcorn and ice blast mixed with all flavours. This is the last film in the saga. A year later... Rey is busy training. A signal left by the Emperor Palpatine leads Kylo to a distant planet. The Rebels are still fighting the First Order. Great soundtrack, special effects and acting. Expect cameos and surprises. There in one scene is a nod to the original trilogy. Tying up loose ends. Ignore the critics. Daisy Ridley is gorgeous as ever. Really shines in her role as Rey. One scene of dialogue might be compared to Endgame. Sometimes it can get cheesy with certain characters. Epic battle scene. I haven't seen The Mandalorian. Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver and many more. A JJ Abrams film.
Amazon UK
If you live abroad and are interested in British TV shows then see Britbox
I went onto watch Attack Of The Clones and Revenge Of The Sith. Familiar characters are introduced. The story goes further into the future. Hayden Christiansen, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman are joined by a stellar cast. A clone army had been developed and are being used by the Republic. Senator Palpatine has gained a lot of power and has am influence on Anakin. These films set up the original trilogy.
Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope
Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford. The original trilogy that I am now watching. Having seen the prequels and sequels it gives it more context. The plans of the DeathStar have been stolen. Princess Leia wants to get them to the rebels. She needs Obi Wan's help. You are introduced to a young Luke. Working on his uncle's farm. Dreaming of a better life. Han Solo is recruited to help get the team to where they need to be. Darth Vader is after the plans. The films had been remastered.
Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford. The original trilogy that I am now watching. Having seen the prequels and sequels it gives it more context. The plans of the DeathStar have been stolen. Princess Leia wants to get them to the rebels. She needs Obi Wan's help. You are introduced to a young Luke. Working on his uncle's farm. Dreaming of a better life. Han Solo is recruited to help get the team to where they need to be. Darth Vader is after the plans. The films had been remastered.
Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. I had got this DVD from EBay. It has been remastered. I am selling this DVD. After the destruction of the Death Star. The Rebels have set up a new base on the planet Hoth. Darth Vader has sent out countless probes to track down Skywalker. I had seen some animation related to the saga decades ago. I haven't seen any current spin offs. I had been doing something earlier in the day and I tried watching the film and fell asleep part way through. No reflection on the film I was just tired. Listening to The Awakening which was combined with Binary Sunset for The Force Awakens trailer. You will like the soundtrack. Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Sir Alec Guiness, David Prowse, Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones star. A George Lucas film. Soundtrack
Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Luke Skywalker has headed back to Tatooine. He must rescue Han Solo from Jabba The Hutt. A new Deathstar is in completion. The Emporer pays a visit. Vader has plans of his own. Poignant scene between Luke and Yoda and also the dialogue between Luke and Vader. I hadn't paid much attention to the Saga back in the day. Nice music that Ewoks play. You will like those creatures. They did have a cartoon of their own. This version that I watched was remastered. It had Hayden Christensen. Leia looked good. Some characters pronounced names in their own way.