Showing posts with label Texas Battle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas Battle. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

The Task

After Dark Originals film. I will have this for sale next week. See Prowl and Husk. Films by the same company. 5060255690246 Cert 18 G2Pictures 2011. Extras: trailers. A horror film. Saw meets Grave Encounters. "The Task" is a reality TV show that takes place in an abandoned prison. Opens in NYC. A young black man listening to hiphop is walking the street, bumps into a lady holding boxes. Six young contestants are chosen to play the game. I'm reminded of The Cabin In The Woods. There are supernatural entities waiting to have some fun. You can get good bargains on Amazon sites. Worth seeing the review. Cast members are Tom Payne, Texas Battle, Amara Karan, Alexandra Staden, Rob Ostlere, Victor McGuire, Sean McConaghy, Adam Rayner, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Ashley Mulheron, Marc Pickering, Sam Stockman. Directed by Alex Orwell. There is a cash prize up for grabs. Shoe is a hot blonde that looks a little like Christina Aguilera. Randall is a camp gay man. Connie and Bob are behind the show. Toni is an Indian girl, intelligent played by an actress that was in Doctor Who episode 'The God Complex'. Brother and sister from England are Stanton and Angel. Dixon is the black guy. Maybe characters are stereotypes. This is an indie film. A variety of actors from different backgrounds. Please tell your friends about this.