A romantic comedy drama directed by Guillermo Del Toro. Set in 1962. Sally Hawkins plays a mute cleaner named Elisa. She works in a government lab. Zelda is her friend and colleague. They are cleaners. Richard Jenkins is her gay neighborhour. There is prejudice which was around at that time. Michael Shannon is an agent that bought in this merman. His wife has nice boobs as does Eliza. There is nudity. Opposites attract. I wondered how things would work. This film had won an Oscar. The soundtrack might be to your taste. Michael Stuhlbarg plays a scientist and Doug Jones as the merman. You may have seen Del Toro's other films. They are unique. You might like Wes Anderson, M Knight Shyamalan. Cert 15. The DVD which I borrowed from the library was skipping in one scene. I will look at trivia, discussions and reactions. I recommend that you take a look. Great cast, dialogue and special effects. Not sure why Eliza masturbates in the bath and the Agent washes his hands before using the urinal but not after. See the ads that I have placed. Be sure to link my blog everywhere.