YARDIE is a crime drama directed by Idris Elba. Cert 15. Starts off in Jamaica where there is a gang war. The protagonist is narrating. Idris was behind the soundtrack. Based on the book. See the ads for the recommendations. Some familiar faces. I'm sure some of the dialogue will be hard to understand. You might like the soundtrack. My cousins listened to Reggae. Good cinematography. D has seen tragedy. His brother tried to reunite people. Mirrors what Bob Marley did. One of the gang leaders takes him under his wing. He is later sent to London to run an errand. He does have run ins with other gangs. Rico is the man he meets in London. Stephen Graham also stars. Speaks in patois. Ivonne lives in London. She grew up in Jamaica. Vanessa is the daughter that Dennis hasn't seen in a long time. Set in the 80s. Interesting locations. Great cast of actors. A story about love, loss and revenge. It is not right to glorify criminals.