Showing posts with label circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circle. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 April 2020

A horror film that I am watching on Netflix. Circle is a psychological film. If you like Saw and similar films then you might want to check it out. Full cast
There are 50 people. 49 will die. There can only be one winner. They get to vote on who dies next. You have a child actor. With all that language in the room. Great special effects. Superb cast of actors. Made an ensemble cast to bring it to the table. See IMDb for trivia and see what each of their filmography. I will look at the discussion. Twists expected. There is an actress from Buffy in this. I was reminded of the Bad Wolf episode. Please click on the ads. I have seen most of these films. Stay safe and wash your hands.

I watched a scifi action film called Spectral. A Netflix original. The American military have gone to Europe. There is a scientist and tech specialist in Virginia. He is recruited to help the soldiers. Around the city there are these ghostly beings. One touch will kill a man. It is an interesting concept. Having watched till the end I like the origin of the creatures. Largely an unknown cast. Good soundtrack and effects. Worth taking a look. IMDb

 Netflix gift card
   Netflix and chill I decided to watch Extinction starring Michael Pena and Lizzy Caplan. It's an alien invasion movie. Scifi. On Netflix. It is quite dark with the night shots. It's the problem on this TV or Netflix in general. A man had been having visions. He has a wife and two daughters. The youngest is annoying, gets them in trouble. Just leave her to the aliens. The aliens arrive. It is brutal. The soldiers are on the ground. Exterminating the humans. Nice twist. Set in the far future.