Cert 15. Horror. Vampires. Starring Nick Damici and Connor Paolo. Special features contain two commentaries. I've rented this from Blockbuster. You might also like Daybreakers, 30 Days Of Night, From Dusk Till Dawn, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. An impressive start. There is a vampire attack as expected. The US is pretty much gone to hell like Zombieland and The Walking Dead. Nice music, folk and classical. There is a nice busty barmaid in this town that they've just stopped of at. There was a warning about cannibals. Other good vampire slayers are Buffy, James Woods in a John Carpenter film, Priest. There is a nun that's joined them. Mister saved her from some rapists. A grave was dug for a vampire. Jebidiah Logan and his gang are intent on revenge. The actress playing the nun was in The Innkeepers. Brutal, violent and gory scenes. A vampire in a Santa Claus outfit. There is a pretty young girl that joins the gang and she can sing too. There is the Christian Brotherhood that will kill other humans.This is definetly worth a watch. At the time of writing I have several items for sale on Ebay and Amazon. See Movieinsider for the latest and upcoming releases. I have other posts about films that I've seen. I've also rented The Warrior's Way, Another Earth and Daybreakers (which the staff at Blockbuster had forgotten to put the disc in). The slayer is referred to as Mister. Danielle Harris played the pregnant teen.
Based on a true story. Russian explorers that'd made it to the Ural Mountains. Never made it home. Their bodies found in 1959. In modern day Oregon, a student Holly KIng (Holly Goss, attractive blonde reminds me of Clare Danes) her friend film student Jensen and the class went on a journey to Russia to find out what happen. See the cast info on IMDB.com Directed by Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger). Sort of a found footage/mockumentary. Audio Engineer Denise Evers (Gemma Atkinson) has nice boobs, Dr. Kittles is a milf. JP Hauser and Andy Thatcher join the team. You might like Blair Witch Project, Troll Hunter, Dead Snow, V/H/S, Chernobyl Diaries, Skew, The Lost Episode, Grave Encounters. A news bulletin follows and footage from the students is leaked to a website. This is out to rent/buy now. See the Amazon customer reviews. It is also known as Devil's Pass. Some interesting info. Best to see the Wiki page. Artistic licence being used. Gemma is in13 Hours. Paranormal Activity 5 is out soon. Thanks!

Cd Universe Amazon Swinging Sideways
Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick, Ron Livingston. Comedy drama, indie film with a big cast. Lots of improvising. Mainly dialogue in these scenes. May not be to everyone's taste. Olivia and Anna look hot. There is a scene where Olivia is nude. Cert 15 2013. Kate works at a craft brewery with Luke. She tends to eat and drink alot but is always in shape. There is quite abit of drinking. Must play hell with the liver. Kate's boyfriend Chris and Luke's fiance Jill are more sophisticated. While the other two act like slobs. There is a platonic friendship. Sometimes you wonder if they'll date or not. Kate can be annoying. If you like Sideways you might enjoy this. There are special features: commentary, outtakes and deleted scenes, interviews, behind the scenes. It's available to buy everywhere. Jake Johnson is often in the sitcom New Girl. Anna Kendrick was excellent in Pitch Perfect. Ti West does star too. As does Wilde's real life boyfriend. Written/directed by Joe Swanberg. Nice scenery. Cool brewery. Slow paced. It's part of the Mumblecore genre.
TITLE: ESCAPE PLAN stallone schwarzenegger DATE: 3/31/2014 4:15:01 PM Amazon Movies
A prison action film. Quite clever. Ryan Breslin is an expert on security. He is wrongly imprisoned in a high tech facility called The Tomb. There he meets Emil Rottmayer. With his help he can devise an escape plan. Other prison films that I recommend are Shawshank Redemption, Life, Fortress, The Last Castle, Con Air, Escape From Alcatraz. See the tv shows OZ and Prison Break. Plenty of special features. Good amount of violence. Cert 15, 2013 release. Jim Caviezel, Amy Ryan, 50 Cent, Vinnie Jones also star. I expect some jokes along the way. See the trailer. Most crime films always have the protagonist on 'one last job'. Fans of The Expendables, Oceans Eleven, Tower Heist might like this. There are plot twists. Arnie no longer the govenor has returned to acting.
speaks some German. The prison boss is a handsome and powerful man. Sam Neil plays a doctor. The wardens wear black and have masks. You learn a few things thanks to the dialogue. The leads are the oldest cast members. Tougher than Alcatraz.
TITLE: CARRIE Chloe Grace Moretz DATE: 3/31/2014 3:48:03 PM
Remake of the original (Sissy Spacek). The front cover looks good. Cert 15, Julianne Moore stars. Based on the novel by Stephen King. A horror film about a teenage girl that is an outcast. She has telekenetic powers. She is a great actress, see Let Me In, Kick-Ass, Movie 43. Directed by Kimberley Pierce. Gory in places. Some hot teens. Abit like Mean Girls, Case 39. The mother is a religious extremist and abusive. There is a pe teacher that wants to help Carrie. Chrissie is the arch rival. Two bonus features: one is a making of, the other is a coffee shop surprise. You'll googling explanations and maybe seeing youtube vids. Supernatural element. Carrie is pretty. Sue is a girl that is feeling regretful. Prom is on it's way. An eclectic soundtrack. A good cast. Please take a look. Saw some trailers. One had a dubstep track with no speaking. Had Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman on it. The other is a mob comedy like Analyse That, We're The Millers. The Family, stars Robert DeNiro, Diana Agron who is hot.
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